
Banner advertising


Graphic advertising is not just about traditional banners in standard formats. It also includes site skins, video advertising, floating ads, integrations, sponsorships, and much more. In short, this is any advertising that puts your brand image in the advertising message. In particular, it helps to better convey your brand image, increase its reputation and generate a significant advertising impact.

Return on investment

A planny of targeting criteria
Graphic advertising generates much more than clicks (or "instant visits"). In fact, graphic advertising increases brand awareness and credibility, benefits from greater advertising impact, allows reach and frequency strategies, and enables immediate interactions within advertising, and much more.

In addition, a multitude of targeting criteria can be applied to the broadcast of graphic advertising through advertising management tools ("ad server"), such as demographic targeting, interest, behavior, retargeting, caps frequency, sequences, in addition to geographic targeting, schedule, and much more.

The ROI of your graphic advertising efforts can also be quantified by measuring post-click conversions and post-impression conversions. Thus, very important attention should be given to post-impression conversions in graphic advertising because many exposed individuals will perform a certain behavior in the days following their exposure to advertising, even if they have not clicked on this advertisement. In our opinion, a graphic ad should not be judged first by the clicks it generates, but by the reach, the number of impressions, the frequency, and the post-impression actions it generates.
Banner advertising, graphic advertising
PUBinteractive offers services for the production of web advertising material, including the production of web banners and the production of customized web advertising material. The production of animated banners optimized for the web can sometimes be complex. PUBinteractive has the necessary expertise to create and produce all forms of online advertising beyond the expectations of the client, while ensuring to respect the line of communication and the brand image, in synergy with communications that can be broadcast in traditional media.